The esoteritastic guys and gals over at Scarlet Imprint, are putting on a veritable Summer of Love distilled into one brimful cup of intoxication, illumination and revelation:

Speakers, dancers, performance art, and ritual combine to create a truly magical happening in a secret, central and spectacular location from eleven until eleven.

Best of all, it’s happening in SittingNow-central, Brighton. This means we’ll be there with our cameras shooting the event for future episodes of SittingNow TV (yes, it’s actually almost here).

Amongst the plethora of magicians from different disciplines, is our own Ulysses Black, who grilled Antero Alli with me for the podcast (coming back soon).

Details for the event, which is this Saturday, can be found on the Scarlet Imprint site here. We hope to see you there!

Ken Eakins


About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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