The amazing Fortean Times are throwing their annual meeting of the strange this weekend in London. The Uncon, which has been running since 1994, is always one of the better Fortean get-togethers of the year, and normally boasts some really interesting guests, exhibits and workshops. 


This years spooky-speakers include: Gail-Nina Anderson, Jan Bondeson, David Clarke, Mike Dash, Jon Downes, Patrick Huyghe, Kittie Klaw, Theo Paijmans Mark Pilkington & John Lundberg, Andy Roberts and Ian Simmons

Of course, our roving reporters Ken Eakins and Mark Foster will be attending and hopefully getting enough material for a UnCon/Sittingnow podcast episode. We will also be writing up coverage of the event as well as getting some feedback from the attendees!


As far as we are aware there are still tickets available for the event, which can be obtained via We Got Tickets. Or follow links on for more details.

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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