This week Ken explores time travel using precognitive dream-working with author Eric Wargo. Eric has authored two books on the subject ‘Timeloops’ and ‘Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self’. Join us as we dive headlong into this exciting discovery.
This week we discuss: Precognitive dreaming, Jung and the scarab, how to actually dream precognitively, and much more.
Main theme by Simon Smerdon (Mothboy)
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Eric Wargo Bio

ERIC WARGO has a PhD in anthropology from Emory University and works as a science writer and editor in Washington, DC. In his spare time, he writes about science fiction, consciousness, and the paranormal at his popular blog, The Nightshirt. Besides Time Loops, he is also the author of Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages from Your Future.
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