Ken and Marck scale the Externsteine to discover the secret chapel, wonder at alchemical delights, and search for hidden Rosicrucian adepts of Germany. Our Reiseführer this week is returning guest, author, and adept of the highest standing Christopher McIntosh.
This week: Is Germany the true cradle of the Western Esoteric Tradition, Is the Golden Dawn origin story a lie, Just how Rosicrucian is Germany, and much more.
Joining me in Exernsteine Chapel this week is Marck Satyr
Main theme by Simon Smerdon (Mothboy)
Music bed by

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Christopher McIntosh Bio:
Dr. Christopher McIntosh was born in England in 1943 and grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland. He studied philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford and German at London University, later returning to Oxford to take a doctorate in history with a dissertation on the Rosicrucian revival in the context of the German Enlightenment and Counter-Enlightenment. After working in London in journalism and publishing he spent four years in New York as an information officer with the United Nations Development Programme, then moved to Germany to work for UNESCO. In parallel he has pursued a career as a writer and researcher specialising in the esoteric traditions as well as nature-oriented belief systems. He has lectured widely and was on the faculty of the distance M.A. programme in Western Esotericism at the University of Exeter, England, now sadly discontinued. He is married to the scholar of religion Dr. Donate Pahnke-McIntosh. Their home is in Lower Saxony, North Germany. Contact via Facebook Messenger.
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