Taylor Ellwood is the author of Space/Time Magic, Inner Alchemy, and several books on magic. He is also the Managing Non-Fiction Editor of Immanion Press. To learn more about him and his continuing journeys visit http://magicalexperiments.wordpress.com and http://www.thegreenwolf.com
In Inner Alchemy, I wrote about my experiments with finding and working with neurotransmitter spirit guides and forms of life (such as bacteria) that exist in the human body. I created an alphabet of desire with each letter representing a distinct entity. The letter could be used to find the entity when doing internal work with the body or it could be used to evoke the entity, when healing someone else. The latter approach of evocation focused on the concept that although the symbol was a personal one for your body, it could still be used to find a resonance with the specific neurotransmitter or other entities in a body. The entities could then be worked with to aid in healing or doing whatever else a person might wish to do.

My latest work with these concepts has continued to focus on creating better communication with the human body. Most of the communication that the average person seems to have with the body is reactionary, based more on what the body tells the person and less on a conscious choice to communicate. The rest of the communication that seems to occur focuses on cultural attitudes of the body disseminated to it by memetics. At least in the U.S., we live in a fairly body phobic culture, which perceives the body as a dirty, sinful sack of flesh, with impulses and desires that need to be repressed as much as possible, in order to avoid making a scene. A person rips a fart and everyone glares at the offender, the smell of it offending that most delicate of sensibilities that a person should never smell anything unpleasant.
In fact, it is the relationship a person has with the five external senses that tells a lot about how connected a person is with hir body. For many people, the senses of smell and taste are discounted, only coming into play when its time to eat. We are taught to use deodorant to avoid offending someone with the smell of the body. And heaven’s forbid you should happen to actually smell anything associated with human waste. We are taught to crinkle our noses, and avoid such smells. Taste also becomes a victim of the focus on what you’re eating. Don’t ever stick your tongue out in a city. You’ll taste all the pollution that it’s in the air. With sight, touch, and sound, there are various forms of similar aversive reactions, all brought about by cultural engineering. A cultural aversion of what seems unpleasant has overtaken our instincts. We are taught to avert our eyes, not touch, nor listen, and yet this very repression of our senses leads to a rebellion for the body itself, which knows that it must get our attention somehow in order to be taken care of.
When a person complains about how s/he doesn’t like hir body, I tell hir to try listening to hir body more. Choosing not to acknowledge what our external senses tell us only invites the body to respond in more drastic ways. For instance, the smell a person’s body exudes can tell that person if s/he is sick, healthy, even give a sense of what s/he has eaten. But when we choose to deny the information our senses provide us, we ignore the fundamental reality of the body and the fact that without it we could not exist in a meaningful physical manner. Bear in mind as well, that if we’re used to ignoring the external senses, we’ve also probably suppressed the internal senses.
Internal senses deal with an awareness of the actual state of the body. Balance, as an example, is an internal sense. We normally don’t think of balance as a sense, and rarely acknowledge it until we actually lose balance. Another internal sense is the kinesthetic awareness we have of the movement of our bodies. We’re aware of this sense, but it’s probably fair to say that most people take it for granted, or aren’t sure what to make of it when they feel it. There are more internal senses that could be explored, but for now suffice to say that your body has many wonders and mysteries for you to explore.

When I originally decided to come up with a language to communicate with body, I limited myself, thinking I would create a language to facilitate better communication with the neurotransmitters and bacteria, and other such beings. But shortly into trying to develop such a language, my entity for dopamine told me I already had a language and way of communicating with him and the other entities, i.e. my AOD for the body. Realizing that, I knew I didn’t need a language for interacting with those entities and I puzzled over why I might even need a language at all, until that is my left knee began bothering me with some joint pain. I’d always had a kinesthetic feeling of pain in that knee and I’d never really come to terms with what caused the pain. I could lessen the pain if I popped the knee joint, but eventually it would come back. I knew, when I felt that pain that although I could communicate with my neurotransmitters I hadn’t necessarily communicated with my body as a whole.
I could’ve used breathing techniques and guided visualization to try and communicate with my knee. These approaches had worked with getting in touch with the neurotransmitters and even with some of the cell work I did, but I felt that although those techniques could play a role, they might not be the best way to get in touch with the consciousness of my body. And while focusing on the internal senses could be helpful in finding specific problems with the body, I also felt that alone wasn’t enough to address the body. I decided instead to look toward the biphotonic energy that’s within cells. This energy is used in the DNA of cells for communication and other functions. I also looked into a recent science article, which argued that nerves use sound instead of electricity for communication. This is done because the membranes for nerves allow sound to be sustained instead of gradually weakening. I figured that using sound or biphotonic energy I could develop a way to communicate with the body that would allow me to actually have a conversation, albeit in a different medium than language itself.
What I ended up developing looks like a lot of lines and dots on paper. The lines are long signals, while the dots are short signals. In addition, some shapes such as triangles and curved lines were also developed to help with the context of communication. Also it’s important to note that the language isn’t a linear language with one word follow after the other. Instead it might be fair to say it’s more of a pictograph language. As of yet there aren’t many of these pictographs developed, but over time more maybe developed.
My first experiment was to communicate with my knee. I used breathwork to put myself into meditation. I then focused my kinesthetic awareness on the pain in my knee. Once my awareness was fully on that location, I began communicate, imagining a series of sounds going from my consciousness to my knee. It did help me to visualize the sounds as lines and dots, but that was mainly for me, a convenient interface for my human consciousness as it interacted with the cellular consciousness in my knee. I used the sounds and visualization to guide the biophotonic energy in its work with the knee.
When I communicated with my knee in this way, memories of a bike ride down a rocky path and falling and hitting my knee, as well as hurting my leg and belly came to the forefront of my consciousness. Instead of dismissing this memory, I realized that my knee was communicating in return showing the cause of the pain. Long after a memory fades from the conscious mind, it can still reside in the flesh. The body retains the memory and can relive it at any moment and my knee was reliving the cause of its pain, as well as showing me that the issue dealt with more than just the knee. In fact, my left leg has always troubled me a bit, and now I knew what the cause was.
I continued using the dots and lines to communicate with my cells, but also interacted with the memory. The dots and lines instructed the biophotonic energy of my cells to start repairing any damage that might be in my knee and leg. The memory interaction involved comforting the earlier version of myself, while taking a look at the leg and doing some healing to that memory. Over the course of a few days I continued my interaction with my knee, going back to the memory, but also continuing to use the language I’d developed to communicate with my cells. I healed the pain in the knee and in my leg, to the point that I didn’t need to pop it as often. The kinesthetic sense of my knee is that it now feels stronger. I feel as if I can walk with more confidence on my left leg.

I am still developing the language I use to communicate with my body. I’m doing it not only to have a better awareness of my body, but to also continue advancing the concepts I wrote about in Inner Alchemy. I am certain that just as I’m developing a language to communicate with my body, it’s possible for other people to develop their own language or use the one I create. The reason I mention developing your own language is because your body is your own. You must be willing to speak with it and listen to it, because it has its own forms of consciousness. By acknowledging that consciousness, you can work closely with your body and come to not only a better understanding of it, but also much more comfort with it. Since healing my knee and leg I’ve felt much more comfortable with my body. Another benefit as well is the potential to communicate with the body when ill, in order to coordinate its efforts to heal itself, but that is experimentation for a later time as the language is further developed.
Taylor Ellwood
I think I finally understand what magic is. It’s seeing the world through the eyes of a child and describing everything through the words and eloquence of an adult.
Taylor’s application of Magic reminds me of the time I was a kid and used to stare at my finger for hours; hiding objects behind it and playing with visual depth.
Kudos on the writing though very detailed and thorough use of the English language.
just like that last, though beautifully and elegantly phrased, sentence.
Perhaps you should apply a grammar checker to your thoughts, before expounding them!
Yeah: “Kudos on the writing though very detailed and thorough use of the English language.”
it’s like, he’s smug, but retarded…haha
If you’re going to try and attack one of our writers, please do a basic course in English first, ok?
I was sincere when i wrote Kudos… and I’ve said it knowing that I can’t write this well. I’m sorry if it appeared patronising.
However, I stand firmly with my other comments.
I like this website, I wouldn’t be visiting otherwise, but from the admin’s comments, I understand it’s a private fraternity and not all are welcome.
I did actually read his comments as genuine.
Shall we send him a RWYASN blazer badge and pen set to placate him and assure our subscribers that we don’t necessarily flame everyone who posts here?
erm..that wasn’t actually me anyway
Errr…what the hell is going on ? Is there some sort of coup d’etat happening ? There is an admin, a Ken and an actual Ken. I’m confused and scared and i demand an explanation.
Admin is one of 5 people (whoever is logged into the WP installation), currently it is me, Ken
Would you be surprised if I said I din’t believe you ?
There we go! now you can tell it’s me! if you click on name, should give you profile for me
or not lol
urgh, I should have taken the Blue Pill as well
So who is this other Ken that is defending “our writers” ?
(Sorry Taylor, I realise this is not exactly relevant to your essay. Is the forum working yet ?)
Oh noes! HALP!
@Daddy Tank
– Forum should be working now. You maybe have to login/logout again to get logged into the forums. You dont need seperate account though just login with your wordpress Username/Password.
Thanks to the vast faceless workforce at Sitting Now HQ. Without these little people the creative giants among us would be unable to flourish.
hey not sure who to contact about this, no direct email addy that i could find. the pic of the multi-colored spiral is an album cover of mine (HipGnosis – META,) i created it in 2005. i don’t mind you using it, but could you give me credit? Eric Young – 2005 HipGnosis Music
eric / HipGnosis