I think these guys need a date!
The normally shadowy and underground occult world seems to be getting a little tech-savvy of late. Two new social-networking sites have emerged in recent months that seem to have taken Timothy Leary’s famous “find the others” quote to heart.
First up is Magickcricles.com:
“We are simply dedicated to providing a chanel for communication between occultists worldwide“, the site claims. Channels for communication do exist already, but these tend to be the flame-ridden forums, where Witches, Thelamites and Pagans do battle. Instead MCs sees the normally underground occultists swapping sigil ideas, and starting sensible discussions of Aleister Crowley. Of course, no social-network would be complete without its share of self-taken vanity-pics, and MCs is no exception to this rule.

Satan is not happy that Hell only has dial-up!
Not one to be left out of the action, Satan also has his own social-dating site. It’s hard to tell in this case, however, if the site is aimed at players of some kind of RPG, or if they are truly fans of the hoof-footed one? DevilDates.com, claims to be “The first Satanic dating website in the world“…clearly, the Horned-One has never heard of LiveJournal before! Anyway, like MagickCircles, the site is infested with goths and magcians, but alas, no sign of ‘he who cannot be named’ …ok, i’ll stop that now.
So, if you’ve been lusting for a site to get social with the other great magi of the globe, or are simply looking for your satanic-sweetheart, these are the sites for you!
Ken Eakins
go smell someone elses ass sam and leave your junk at home
haha, I can’t figure out if that was an insult or not?
Made me laugh
Hello SittingNow.co.uk,
thank you so much for the positive review, we’ve just upgraded new forums on the site, and are looking to blast off as the largest social network for occultists on the planet!
Stay tuned friends 🙂
Thanks again,