"I wanted to be in Brutal Legend; not this wank!"
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m no Kurt-hugging, Nirvana T-Shirt wearing, Kitty Pettin’, Fower Sniffin’ etc…but I used to be, and this hit me where it hurts!
I know the mainstream media has been covering this for a while now, but it wasn’t until I actually saw it…
Although I usually find Everett True‘s opinions to be utterly vacuous these days, this time he pretty much summed the situation up perfectly:
Grohl and Love sanctioned this one for the new Guitar Hero. So respect due to Grohl and Love then. Fucking corporate cock-sucking memory-destroying fret-wanking MTV-supporting fame-chasing money-grabbing grave-turning publicity-loving vacuous spoiled jaded cunting rock whores.
Well said True! Generally, I don’t believe a word that comes out of the Medusa-headed mouth of Courtney Love. But, for some reason, I do this time…maybe it’s the badly spelt Tweets?
FOR THE RECORD I DID NOT APPROVE KURTS AVATAR FOR GUYITARHERO5. i think Kurt would despise this game alone let alone this avatar this is NECROPHILIC this is VILE please address all calls to my lawyer Kieth Fink Esquire who is FURIOUS And to my Publicist Rogers and Cowa
Ken Eakins
Activision, have since stated they have a document confirming Courtney’s agreement in the game … I hate her still
Grohl doesn’t have any control over Cobain’s estate, so the blame lies entirely at the feet of Courtney Love (…you’re going to hell….).Grohl has enough sins on his dirty money-grabbing soul without copping for this one.
What exactly did she think they were going to do with the rights to Kurt’s image ? Play sombre music while petals rained on him ? No. They were going to EXPLOIT him, and that bitch thinks she can hide behind the fact that she wasn’t there in the design stages.
I hope Kurt crawls out of his grave and gives her some proper necrophilia, preferably in her eyeball.
I suffered the same initial reaction as Ken regarding this “sacrilege”, but it was quickly pointed out to me that: a- legally/contractually Activision did no wrong.. do we really trust Courtney to read a contract or care so long as money is handed over? & b- no matter how important Kurt Cobain was/is to any of us.. if he can’t be treated “disrespectfully” than neither can those who I personally disrespect who are of similar importance to others. So in the interest of our collective defamation of Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, Jesus, et al, I allow my teenage hero Kurt Cobain to rock out to Bon Jovi or whatever other song 13 year old gamers unlock. I feel it’s a small price to pay.