Broadcast #012
***New Signal****
- Bronius Kutavicius – Oh You Green Grasshopper
- Polar Bear – Argumentative
- Itchy Tasty – Je Je Je Pa
- The Murder of Rosa Luxembourg – Infernal Music
- Giacinto Scelsi – One, from Quattro Pezzi per Orchestra
- Brian Butler – The Great Orm
- Modified Toy Orchestra – This Is The Monkey
- Yppah – Bobbie Joe Wilson
- Hella – Madonna Approaches
- These Arms are Snakes – Red Line Season
- Movietone – Useless Landscapes
- YOB – Burning the Altar
- Gershon Kingsley – Fur Allisse
If you want us to play your band/noise/whatever, drop us a line at behindcloseddoors@sittingnow.co.uk.
***Signal Ends**
A g0ogLe search for Bronius Kutavicius now has Sittingnow as its first result on page one. I’m very proud of that.
How many times a day do you think people Google “Bronius Kutavicius” ?
hi guys i just found this site by googling bronius kutavicius, nice place you got here
Yeah yeah laugh it up Piefinger.
Tried listening to your podcasts in the past and the music was too much – too long and too annoying. So, I stopped listening. Today, I tried listening again, but after 2 minutes of really crappy music, I moved on. People want to hear the guest, not your choice of music, so just drop the music and more people will listen.
Hi ‘Bud’. Thanks for your feedback. I just wanted to bring your (obviously very limited) attention to the fact that this episode that you have commented on is our ‘music show’, it’s called ‘BehindClosedDoors’.
The reason the music is too long, I guess, is because it’s a music show. I recomend that you go back and listen to one of our chat shows, they’re the ones that have the guests on. You can normally, if you spend the time, easily tell the difference between the two, as the music shows tend to have ‘behindcloseddoors broadcast xyz’ in the title.
As for listeners, both shows have between 7-10 thousand, and so far you’re the only one that’s complained…soooo, I think we’ll stick with the format for now thanks.
Music…guests…it’s all so confusing.
Killer episode! I think this was my favorite BCD so far … I dug pretty much every track, even the “drony” stuff as Ken puts it.
Steady on cuz, you’re gonna run out of episodes soon at this rate…and we take our time over them as you may have spotted.
No can do. As a listener who pays nothing for your shows, I DEMAND that you produce them more quickly — you must quit your jobs/schools, cut off ties with your family and friends, and do nothing but churn out podcasts for free.
Also, I demand that you change your format to suit my particular tastes.
You sound like Ken.
I demnd that you take that back Monaghan
…now cut me a switch
and I demand it
Can I go back to the cellar now ? The light hurts my eyes.
Switches and cellars… kinky….
Hey, if it’s on the internet, I reserve the right to fap to it.
Of course, since I’ve never met or seen pictures of either of you, when I imagine the scene, Ken looks like Monica Bellucci and DT looks like Emma Watson.
That’s a pretty close estimation. Mr Tank can be seen at this link, http://sittingnow.co.uk/about/ I’m hiding behind my iphone
Ken, you know that photo of Will Smith with your head photoshopped on ? I just posted that on some “specialist” websites. You’re going down a storm…
And Cousin X… Emma Watson ? I know she’s a “big star” but I’d much prefer to be … uh… Jane Fonda.
I’m a bit out of touch aren’t I ?
Well, I was trying to think, “Who’d look really hot getting her ass beat by Monica Bellucci?” And since the only big-name movies I’ve seen in almost a decade are the Matrix 2 and Harry Potter Part 15 (or whatever number they’re on), Emma Watson came to mind. (For comparison, the first person that occurred to me was Fairuza Balk, but I wanted a blonde rather than another brunette … variety is the spice of life, after all!)
Anyway, I’ve tried out the scene with a Barbarella-era Jane Fonda, and that works just as well (except that she needs a ball-gag). Also acceptable would be Kirsten Dunst, a young Mamie Van Doren, either Olson twin, or virtually any twenty-something starlet who’d look good bent over, tears in her eyes, waiting for Ken/Monica’s next merciless stroke of the switch.
Are we going to have to put some sort of disclaimer on the front page ?
Sorry, my sense of humor can sometimes spin out of control. Feel free to censor anything that offends your sensibilities.
Don’t be silly. I’m just worried for the sensibilities of the children that visit the site.
Of course, the children. Never had much use for them myself, but I heard somewhere that they do serve some kind of purpose.
I believe their primary use is to hand stitch Nike trainers.