Killing in the name of...

The Daily Mail is reporting that shocked troops in Afghanistan have discovered bible codes on the sites of their rifles:

The sights for the Sharpshooter assault rifle, bought this week to boost the fight against the Taliban, are etched with the characters JN8:12.

This is a reference to chapter 8 verse 12 in the book of John, which reads: ‘When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.’

Bible Code

The Ministry of Defence said last night it was ‘not aware’ of the biblical markings on the 400 Advanced Combat Optical Gunsights, bought as part of a £1.5million package.

Critics said references to New Testament scriptures could be used by extremists to persuade Afghans that UK forces see their work as a crusade.

LibDem defence spokesman Willie Rennie said: ‘It’s pretty shoddy that the MoD missed this.

‘It may be used by some of our enemies as evidence to convince its followers that we are engaged in a religious war between Christianity and Islam.’

The equipment was produced by U.S.-based Trijicon, which was founded by a devout Christian.

Truly killing in the name of…

Ken Eakins

(via The Daily Mail)

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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