Even Cats got in on the action!
It’s ‘game, set and match’ for the sick bastards responsible for a recent spate of cat abuse, and once again, the main-stream media totally ignores the true heroes in this whole case…4Chan
Earlier this week, two young American boys, Kenny and Weston Glenn, decided it would be a great laugh to abuse their cat ‘Dusty’ and then post videos of the abuse on YouTube. The video showed really quite horrific footage of the boys smashing the cat against the wall of their bathroom, which the boys oddly reffered to as their ‘lab’.
However the Dynamically-retarded duo were unaware that cats, much the like the Ancient Eygptians, are sacred to those that lurk the image-boards of the ‘Mos Eisley Canteena-esque’ 4Chan. it was 4Chan that inadvertantly started the whole ‘lolcats’ fad online, with their original (and funnier) ‘Caturday’.

/b/ back in the 60's
So, as you can imagine, once the Dusty-abuse tapes reached the attention of the ‘Internet Hate Machine‘, all hell broke loose! From the amazing Encyclopedia Dramatica page on the incident: ” An IRC channel –#catraid– was established in short order and the raids signal lit up the sky as Anonymous called for their crack Internet Vigilante Group to mount up and ride. These 1337 h4x0rs quickly found a link to a bargain video website –haitiwow– and a link on haitiwow led to a Lawton, Oklahoma zip code. Using painstaking methods of e-Detection, it was not long before the suspect’s Facebook was located.”
The brave channers, who then linked artifacts in the video to pictures on the Facebook profile, then called in all this information to the local sherrifs department. The boys were shortly arrested and charged, and local, national and later international news agencies began to take notice:
At first I was angry that no credit was given to the trolls and camwhores over at 4Chan for their e-detective work, but in a way it’s kind of cool that 4Chan and it’s many offshoots, remain underground and off the radar of the news-media. I mean, could you imagine a website so in the spotlight being able to pull of hacking Sarah Palin’s email account, tricking Oprah Winfrey into reciting one of their memes (“we do not forgive, we do not forget”) in the ‘9000 Penises’ incident and helping to trap and convict pedophiles? I think not…
Ken Eakins
I first heard of 4Chan and the like about 3 years back or so from some friends while living in Taiwan. I looked at it then and was like “I don’t get it?” Not so much I don’t get it, but more “Been there done that.” Anyhow fast forward to the “Message to Scientology” video on YouTube and I was hooked. I was like WTF is going on with all of this? Anyhow, after much interneting I finally became enlightened to what Anonymous/anonymous is.
Anonymous has many secret and not so secret fans all over the place. Imagine a few more years out when these fans of anon are CEOs and…
Anyhow, thanks for the link back (it’s how I found this post) and nice post.
The internet does have a point after all.
Hey miltown, yeah no probs for link, you have a great site there!
and Daddytank, who would have funk it?
NOTE: Before you take this as an example of how “good” Anonymous can be, remember this: Anonymous administered the same “Justice” to McKay Hatch, who started the “No Cussing Club”
But just to clarify: Anonymous didn’t administer justice; they only administered revenge. There is a difference.
Justice was administered by the sheriff of Lawton, the town in which the events took place, who issued an official statement:
“The horrifying day may be over for the cat, but it is just getting started for its abusers. We’ll put it together and take it to the D.A. It will be up to the D.A. whether or not he files charges or not. Our job is to put the investigation together as a case and take it to the D.A. and that’s what we’ll do”. — Sheriff Stradley, Source:www.RussiaToday.com
If anything, Anonymous was just happy to have a socially acceptable scapegoat to unleash their pooled hatred into. Now, here is your chance to witness something interesting: Anonymous members are going to flood the comments here, defending their actions against the animal abuser. They will defend their actions as though ganging up on a thirteen year old boy was a bold and heroic thing to do.
Personally, I don’t think Anonymous should have the license to dish out revenge in this manner. They are far too hypocritical. One week, they are sending hookers and gay pornography to the home of Hatch McKay to punish him for his positive social message and then the next week, they go after some kid they know nothing about. They lack the discrimination and the sense of social responsibility to be allowed to enforce justice on anyone.
And since when is anonymously organized criminal mischief a part of the legal process?
Personally, I think we should have the whole clan investigated and put into public databases as “known vigilantes” and potential “enemy combatants”.
Tom Newton
Here, read about what the “INTERNET HATE MACHINE” just did to an innocent family:
You’re taking a rather literal point of view of this. Justice can be served in many ways, and regardless of who did it those kids needed some intervention. Maybe if their parents had made some sort of effort they wouldn’t be the kind of kids who tortured animals to get attention ,but as they have obviously failed, maybe the collective disgust of society can make it clear to them that their behaviour is abhorrent. And as far as the “no cussing club” … fuck that. Sending gay porn to kids is fucked up but leading crusades against sweraing when you’re 14 ? What’s he going to do at 15 set up his own evangelical church ? If you don’t want people to react badly don’t try and tell people how to live their lives and more importantly don’t be a pretentious, bible-bashing, smug little prick (I’m talking to you Hatch McKay).
Oh and Tom…you do strike me as the kind of person who wants evweryone on a database. If criminally organized mischief wasn’t so conducive to natural justice, there’d never have been a Boston Tea Party and we’d still own your ass.
yardım edebilirnisiniz?can your help
Greetings yahya!
Turkish I believe?
i would like to thank this group of people. i think it’s great.
just imagine if everyone didn’t just look the other way and if people got to use the skills they’ve acquired to get things done…the world would be a better place.
i also don’t think the same group that has values over a cat is going to be the group to take over your computer unless ur a dick. i really don’t know sh*t about any of it though…what can i say? it just makes me smile that one animal won’t have to put up with that anymore 😉
care about your fellow man and all the living things around you. stop the pain & suffering.
They are the same, Anonymous is a many-headed beast, that sometimes uses its powers for good…other times for evil.
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