Dean Haglund is awesome.

I’m loving these Kickstarter campaigns. Fan-sourced money, and you actually get something unique and cool, as well as the end product that campaign is for in the first place. Win all round.

Mr Haglund, in case you’re not aware, is one of the three conspiracy theorist characters in the X-Files called ‘The Lone Gunman’, he’s also a super nice chap who gave us some of his time waaay back in the early days of SittingNow Radio in this episode. He’s also genuinely interested in couter-culture, and conspiracy theories.

Well, praise aside, Dean is trying to write a graphic novel about The Lone Gunman  … some random conspiracy theorists that just happen to look like The Lone Gunman … *cough*. It’s set in the real-world, whatever that means, and features ‘real’ conspiracy theories, which is a nice attention to detail.

Basically, it looks really cool, and if you pay actually not that much, you get a whole bunch of original cool stuff. So, if you’re a fan of Mr Haglund like me, go and give the guy some cash at the Kickstarter page, and get a piece of art.

Ken Eakins

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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