Now I've seen everything!
Mermaids DO exist!!! A woman named Nadya who had to get her legs amputated at a young age has recently had a functional mermaid tail made for her by Weta Workshop.
A Romanian truck driver who danced wildly in his cab (while speeding) is being tracked recently for filming himself and posting it on youtube.
A man died from a Viagra overdose.
The woman who had octuplets recently is now being offered $1 million to do porn! Pink Visual wrote her a letter to counter the offer and claims they would provide her instead with a year’s worth of diapers if she declines. More recently, her second publicist has called it quits saying, “this woman is nuts.”
Vampire bats are rampant in Nicaragua!
A boy has been deemed “nonexistent” according to the Russian authorities as they refuse to recognize his name as “BOH dVF 260602.” And he can count out having a facebook account, since he’d more than likely automatically be rejected for his offbeat name.
No longer “Romeo and Juliette”– a school in East London decided that “Romeo and Julian” could be a worthy interpretation.
Controversy rages over as famous prostitute from Geneva is buried in a “cemetery of kings!”
San Francisco officials ponder the messiness factor of its Valentine’s day pillow fights.
Sciencedaily.com reports a new theory for iron compounds.
A Chinese female athlete is upset over discovering she is really a man and has thrown out all but 10 of her medals.
Did Britain have a black queen?
An attempt to really get SNAKES ON A PLANE has been reported!
Want to know what Christopher Walken is up to? Follow his Twitter!
Apparently, jello-wrestling is an offense in the South Pole…
A giant white rabbit had to be removed from town in Canterbury last Sunday.
Darkroastedblend.com posts the world’s strangest theme parks for your next vacation!
Marijuana Legalization support is increasing.
A man thought that clearly the best thing to do when Burger King ran out of lemonade was call 911.
How Snopes.com digs for the truth!
Holytaco’s version of how the religious right see the future.
In honor of Barbie’s half-century anniversary, thestar.com writes, “For 50 years, girls have loved to mutilate Barbie.”
Isn’t it time for the mirdle, the MAN girdle?
A Wal-Mart customer found human teeth in a lost wallet… can’t be this guy’s.
Which is better: a woman winning $5 million dollars on a slot machine from a $4 bet? or a 4-year-old boy winning his own island?
Looks like conservatives are the biggest consumers of porn in the US.
A girl was hospitalized following a stabbing from her brother over the Nintendo DS. I’m wondering if this will be one of those situations where they’ll laugh about it later when reminiscing…
A rare pink albino dolphin was spotted in a Louisiana lake!
The Chinese police shot a burning Tibetan monk before putting him out.
Human-faced carp in South Korea!
A ten-year-old girl ate food for the first time!
A man keeps people updated on Twitter while having an intruder his apartment.
Wow, that’s an epic one Claire! Nice!
Thanks, Ken! I’m glad you found the comic strip quite as hysterical as I did.
yeah I saw it a while back actually, it was on Laughing Squid maybe?