Pic - Wayne Chuter

Initially it’s somewhat surprising to see PABH play to a packed audience here, when not even a year ago they played the same venue to roughly 10 people. Then you realise it shouldn’t be surprising at all. With the release of the bands (bloody great) debut under their belts, and airtime on even the likes of Radio 1 ensuring their particular brand of punk has reached a lot of people.

It’s actually really easy to see why they have caught on the way they have. Their performance was incredibly energetic, the songs translated brilliantly live and even keeping contact with the audience to an absolute minimum seemed to do the trick.

The highight of the entire set was, predictably, left to last, with an on-fire rendition of latest single’ High Five, Swan Dive, Nose Dive’ which sent the audience batshit insane. The only negative to take away from the set was that at 9 songs long, it was just way too short.

Wayne Chuter

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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