The many hats of Pope Benedict!

I’ve often pondered as to the disposition of the Pope Benedict’s wardrobe manager; I say ‘wardrobe manager’ as today the pope himself confirmed my suspicions that he was not to blame for some of the god-awful (no pun intended) clothing decisions we have witnessed thus far.
Reuters reports that whilst dining with Pope Benedict, a group of kids from Orange County, California, presented him with Mickey Mouse hat, a California Angels Baseball and a stress-ball.

Much to the chagrin of the reporters, the Pope REFUSED to don the legendary Disney product, and instead handed it to one of his aides…though he did give the stress-ball a quick squeeze.

So as not to disappoint, Right Where You Are Sitting Now presents you with what we believe the Pope will be seeing in the mirror the moment he gets home.

I like to think that the reason the Pope decided against the public ‘donning’ of the hat was his ever-present concern with the delicate balance between religious and corporate interests…however, he may just have not liked the hat.

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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