Yes! It’s that time of year again people! If any of you used to read the ill-fated Nerdgator site that I used to write for, you’ll know I’m pretty much the type of person that Geekapaloozas like this are organised for.

This weekend, you can expect thousands of genre film, comic, and television fans to be out in force. If we’re particularly lucky, there will be a slew of amazing fan-made costumes; I’m hoping some Daleks, and possibly some 80s Cybermen will be lurking around.

Most notably, the lovely Karen Gillan is attending this year! Gillan plays the flame-haired Amy Pond in the new series of Doctor Who, and I think this may be her first convention appearance … expect carnage to get to her queue for an autograph!

The Comic-con has fast become my favourite of these events in the UK, what with the somewhat drab attendee lists at recent London Expos, and Collectormanias.

Head over to the London Film and Comic Con site to organise your visit this coming weekend, it’s very affordable, and you might bump into one of us salivating over an Imperial Dalek…well…me anyway.

Ken Eakins

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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