Not a picture I ever expected to be posting to SittingNow...
This is starting to become a trend. You’re a pop-star, you’re bored, you spend an inordinate amount of time online (probably vanity-searching your own name), and you stumble upon…let’s say Above Top Secret…and all of a sudden you know ‘the Truth’. So what do you do next? The only thing you know how to do…publicise your amazing discovery!
Now, we know that this hasn’t always gone so well for other well-known would-be prophets of the New World Order. Former footballer and TV pundit David Icke, for example, suffered a painful humiliation at the hands of the BBC’s Terry Wogan…twice. Infamous MI5-bean-spiller David Shayler decided he’d found the truth, that he was the son of god, was duly hung-drawn and quartered, and did what any self respecting former government spook would…became a transvestite.
More recent recruits to world of ‘Celebrity Conspiracy Land’ have included Rosie ‘O Donnell, Robie Williams, and most recently, Jim Corr. “JIMM ‘THE CORRS’ CORR?…really? ” I hear you ask. Really:
There’s something almost cute about his lateness to game with some of this stuff, but what the hell. I just hope we can expect a ‘New World Order’ themed Corrs album in the coming months, perhaps with guest vocals by Alex Jones…I think I just created the perfect super-group!
Ken Eakins
Is it you that wrote “Forgiven, Not Forgotten” on their album cover ?
He describes his website as “a hub of information”. For who ? Corrs fans ?
ahh Ken..he’s actually been on this track for at least a couple of years.
and Daddy Tank, maybe, like myself, you’re not a fan of his music, but his website is not ostensibly about his music. Sure, it’s nothing new for those of us who have been “awake” for a while, but definitely a good start for the newbie, coors fan or not.
I for one give him props for his effort, despite his “lateness to the game” and his musical sensibilities.
Good on yer Jim!
Yeah, I know he’s been about for a while now, I just hadn’t seen anything worth linking (video-wise) prior to this.
As for the theories…you’ll have to wait and listen to our next episode (I think), that will once and for all highlight my own personal feelings about this kind of stuff 🙂
My own view on all this shit is pretty short and sweet. Thankfully no-one cares what it is so I won’t spout it on here.My only concern is that people might accidentally listen to the Corrs as a result of all this, and we’re all agreed that would be a terrible thing.
well i look forward to hearing your take on the dastardly, or not, NWO Ken….
daddytank- point taken re the dangers of conspiracy theorists being drawn into the corrs music; the best and brightest lost to the cult of pop idolatry. Truthers be warned !
Keep the goodness flowing chaps 🙂