There IS more to this, folks. Check the comments posted elsewhere, to their credit there are other follow up parts like 2 where they outline and note things like agency – but as an intro there could have been more than this kind of after school specialesque thing. Q: Why even call something magic if you’re going to say things like sharpening a spear or turning the ignition on your car is magic? That renders the word meaningless.
funny, I just saw this channel for the first time three days ago. Ach — manifesting syncronicity!
Muy importante !
Sitting Now is redundant !
College Girl rules !
There IS more to this, folks. Check the comments posted elsewhere, to their credit there are other follow up parts like 2 where they outline and note things like agency – but as an intro there could have been more than this kind of after school specialesque thing. Q: Why even call something magic if you’re going to say things like sharpening a spear or turning the ignition on your car is magic? That renders the word meaningless.
Clarissa explains it AL. I’m twitterpated.