
Bring it!

Hey, why not come and chat with the hosts, or hit us up with links for future shows on our Facebook page, or our Twitter feed, Kim may reveal himself to you, you lucky, lucky ladies!

This week: We talk Star Wars and JJ Abrams, Joe Nolan disses some boffins, Kim mocks another nation, plastic guns, Comic book anarchy, Techno Viking: yesterday’s memes, TODAY, and Beyonce is mad for the Illuminati!

Personnel –   Joe NolanKim Monaghan, and Ken Eakins



  • The Mind of the Universe – Link
  • Kim’s Traditional “Let’s Laugh At The Funny Foreigners Post” – Link
  • Sneaky gun-nuts make a printable gun – Link (3D printed Houses – Link)
  • Anarchy Comics Back on the Rack – Link
  • Why did no-one tell me about Technoviking ? – Link
  • Beyonce and the illuminati – Link

