"The Kingdom of Heaven is Within ... shit I need to press record".

Thelema-tastic-muso’s Current 93 are looking for you to be on their next record:

I am presently working, with C93 and our expanded lineups, on ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You’, one of two new C93 albums. I desire greatly that all of those who have supported, nurtured and fed our work over the last 25 years are involved in creating what I consider to be my and C93’s most intense and Hallucinatory release so far.

Consequently, I am asking anyone reading this website, who so desires, to send in an email with a sound recording of him or her saying the phrase ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You’ in their own language.

Sound files MUST be either MP3s OR 16 bit AIFF or WAV files. No other file types or higher resolution files will be accepted. Files should be no longer than 8 seconds long.

Please do NOT write ANY text in the email in which you send the sound file, as we will not be answering any of these emails. Please put your name, and specify the language, in the subject heading of the email.
The email should be sent to kingdomofheaven93@gmail.com.

We will give two weeks’ notice of when we will be stopping our acceptance of sound files.

Thanks to all who take part and help us build The Kingdom of Heaven. Everyone who takes part will have their name mentioned in the CD and LP booklet.

A pretty cool concept I think you’ll agree. Mine’s in the post.

Ken Eakins

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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