It had to happen, and Sean Leahy had to be the person to do it! The Internet has been sorley lacking a source for all things pun-retailated, and Mr Leahy has taken the e-bull by the horns with his fantastic, some examples:

says Leahy: “For a while now I’ve been interested starting a blog, but I was never sure what I had to say was interesting enough. That, and there are countless blogs around about nothing and probably some blogs about those blogs.
Where do we go from here then? Well, I go down the road that some say I’m best known for… Puns.”

“It’s got to the point now, where friends of mine (when on holiday, usually) might see shops adorned with elaborately painted puns on their facade, take a photo of them, pop them on Facebook and then tag ME in the photo! I’m hundreds of miles away watching Seinfeld in my pants. I’m certainly not infront of their camera(s).”

Well, It’s a dirty job, but punones got to do it (OK, I’ll stop now!!). If you have any snaps to send to Sean, drop him a line at and add the web’s most singular source of pun!
Ken Eakins