Up to 50 UFOs were purported to have been seen in Cambridgeshire!
Alan Brown woke up from brain surgery as a talented artist when he was previously only able to draw stick figures.
A 17th century witch bottle was recently unearthed, containing urine and fingernails.
Rare spirit bear captured on camera!
A student lit up during a persuasive speech on marijuana legalization.
President Obama views a 4,500 year old portrait of his twin in Egypt.
Stolen family photo turns up as an advertisement in the Czech Republic!
Unpaid workers in Siberia ask President Obama to pay their salaries.
A paraglider spent 40 minutes 30,000 feet in the air, unconscious and survived!
A man ready to hunt zombies was arrested for looking too realistic in his costume.
The Independent rounds up the 10 best conspiracy theories.
Brazil has celebrities known only for their assets, too: meet Watermelon Woman.
A man used Craigslist to find a man to rape his wife to fulfill a sexual fantasy.
A former jockey learns to ride a zebra.
Mexico is considering a ban on “street children.”
Real-life Spiderman was arrested for scaling a building in Sydney.
A man was robbed after tweeting he was on vacation! And: The Huffington Post posts the best and worst moments of micro-blogging in America.
A 17 year old broke into a funeral home recently in order to beat up a corpse.
A Lithuanian champion baby-racer is drawn to the finish line by… laptops?
More news of Florida’s ever-increasing python population!
A student uses Google Maps to uncover North Korea’s secrets.
Attention tourists to Japan: you may want to visit the increasingly popular cat cafés!
Road-tripping in the US? Check out the 12 most bizarre museums.
Environmentalists are not happy about a Malaysian orangutan sanctuary.
A woman finds her son on facebook 27 years since he was kidnapped!
Canon’s employees are forbidden to sit or walk normally to save the company money.
Pizza man saves abducted woman!
The Los Angeles Times reports on “What Twinkies can teach us.”
A feral girl was found in Siberia, having been “raised” by dogs for five years.