MOAR PIES PLZ!!!111one
An overweight family claims that not only are they too fat to work, but £22,000 of benefits just aren’t cutting it for them.
Worried about the recession? Online resources for work OR: 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job.
How to Spot An Atheist! (and report them to the FBI…)
Australian sheik, Taj Din al-Hilali was caught on videocamera kicking down the door of his own mosque then reporting the incident to policemen, blaming it on vandals.
Telegraph.co.uk has complied a series of more humorous images caught by Google Street View.
Should one bid on another’s virginity!? Australian filmmaker Justin Sisley, self-described artist,”exploring the idea of virginity as commodity,” has caused a huge outrage in attempting to recruit students to auction off their innocence on the internet.
Somewhat of a worthy counterpoint, in my opinion: Theguardian.co.uk posts, “Who says sex workers want to be ‘saved’?”
A man stole a car to get to court on time! One could argue perhaps what great measures he took to making it there for his arraignment, but… he was charged with stealing $1800 worth of jewelry, so this may have been out of habit.
Suspended from school for passing gas? It can happen.
An woman quite worried over her boyfriend looking for child porn was caught with videos of herself engaging in bestiality when a detective searched the computer, on her request.
The secrets to cat communication revealed!
12 year-old food critic David Fishman writes reviews on some of the finest NY restaurants.
Is evolution a cultural issue?
The Robot fish is out to detect pollution!
For the first time, liquid water has been detected and photographed away from the Earth! It is likely, Science Daily reports, that liquid saltwater is present on Mars.
The top ten words that parents should look out for.
Last week was the human-faced fish, this week- WALKING CATFISH!
Human rights groups have reported that lesbians in South Africa are being subjected to “corrective rape.”
A gang of 40 squatters has moved into a £3million Bristol home.
Explorations in orgasmic birth.
A man wrote his resignation letter to his boss on a cake.
US President Barak Obama and Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen share a blunder during a shared address in Washington on Saint Patrick’s Day.
Ah, the great mystery of nail-biting…
A man was caught smuggling his Mexican wife across the border.
Look out for George W. Bush’s memoir in about 2010!
BWAHAHAH… Ken… your caption… XD!!!
lol, couldn’t resist
Is this family from the Kingdom of Whales?
This is actually a photo of the staff at Sitting Now Towers. I’m in the white t-shirt, Ken is in the blue shirt, Claire has the distinctive blond hair and the one in the stripey shirt has just eaten Mort. And Banica. And everyone else.
Where You Are Sitting Now: Hungry for the Truth
HAHA! Truth and Pies
*Slaps knee*
wait… nevermind… fat now… can’t reach it.