Richard Metzger
Dangerous Minds is a compendium of the new and strange—new ideas, new art forms, new approaches to social issues and new finds from the outer reaches of pop culture. Our editorial policy, such that it is, reflects the interests, whimsies and peculiarities of the individual writers. And sometimes it doesn’t. Very often the idea is just “Here’s what so and so said, take a look and see what you think.”
I’ll repeat that: We’re not necessarily endorsing everything you’ll find here, we’re merely saying “Here it is.” We think human beings are very strange and often totally hilarious. We enjoy weird and inexplicable things very much. We believe things have to change and change swiftly. It’s got to be about the common good or it’s no good at all. We like to get suggestions of fun/serious things from our good-looking, high IQ readers. We are your favorite distraction.
Along with the new site, a new episode of the great Dangerous Minds show has been released, check it out:
Ken Eakins