A brave reporter from Peopleofwalmart.com?
Ahhh Walmart, how I miss you and your super low prices! Our alternative here in the UK, ASDA, is similar in many ways (they recently became ‘Part of the Walmart family’), but it does lack some of the blatent freaks one can fiind wandering the aisles of its bigger brother.
Thankfully, I don’t have to travel all the way over to ‘Middle-America’ with my ‘Freak-Capture-2000’ app for the iPhone. Instead, the Internet patriots over at peopleofwalmart.com are, like brave pith-hat-wearing explorers, capturing these odd-balls in their natural enviroment, and uploading them for all to examine.
Some highlights:

"Oh, you want to take my son for a ride in your van? Ya sure i don’t see a problem with that."
Oh Americans, how we mock thee. Of course, here in the UK, we’d never breed such weirdos. No, we’re all pipe-smoking, tea-drinking, debonair types i’m afraid:

or not...
Ken Eakins
I wonder what happens if you Google “pith helmet” ?
This of course…
hey everybody! Let’s make fun of poor people! Thant’s new.
Your comment worries me ‘simmer’.
Why equate being a weirdo with wealth?
I know plenty of rich people that are just as odd.
There just isn’t a site for them…yet 😉
point well taken. It’s a funny site for what it is, and more power to em for taking the initiative.