At last an official Dissolved primer ! For those of you who don’t know, Dissolved is a prolific producer of electronica on the serene and thought-provoking end of the spectrum. Frazzled synths, warped tape samples and an off-kilter ear for melodies all coalesce in this, the first official Dissolved compilation album.

Comprised mostly of old tracks but with a few new tracks thrown in for fans, this is an intriguing selection, focus-ing on the more reflective side of Dissolved. As a hopeless fan-boy I put together a Dissolved “best of” a couple of years ago, and I don’t think there is a single track in common with this album, but I still think it’s a very successful compilation.

For more information you can check one of the other album reviews or podcasts on the site, but the easiest thing to do is get over to Binkcrsh records and buy a copy. There is yet another new Dissolved release on the horizon so consider this a chance to do your homework.

Kim Monaghan

Dissolved – Myspace Label

About the Author

Ken Eakins is a filmmaker and weird stuff enthusiast from the South of England.

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