Death of London like to pretend they are standing on framed art

I know nothing about this band so when “Eat It Baby Horse” rocks it’s way into my ears I am pleasantly surprised, as I was expecting some gloomy drone from the name.

Instead you get simple balls out metal, nothing too complex, but loud and with a memorably scary whispered refrain near the end. Two minutes and seventeen seconds of headbanger-y.  “Lovvers in Dutcht” is more of the same with full on riff-age and some suitably shouty stuff going on over the top. They include a cheeky little guitar drop-off in the middle, where you think it’s stopped but then “Bleurgh !”… quiet then loud, but done with panache.

“This Is Japan” is great, with a rolling riff that reeks of dead cowboys, and a host of little touches that mark them out as something more than just another metal band, not least of which would be the variety and strength of the vocals and impressive musicianship. “Kiri Kiri Kiri” is more sweaty adrenal fun and like all of their songs so far it comes in, makes a bit of a mess while shouting and pulling muscleman poses, then leaves before it gets old. They have songwriting skills but they also have the chutzpah to not drag it out unnecessarily. Kudos. Final track

“Psychopsychicsidekick” (as well as being awesomely named) is a glowering final gurn from the band, with a noir-ish slant and a definite blues tang. After listening to this I struggle to name any obvious influences but would ask you to imagine AC/DC as possessed by Josh from Q.O.T.S.A but chewing on a gorilla’s pineal gland.

Kim Monaghan