The modding culture is pretty much one of the geekiest, niche, yet super-cool communities out there. However, for this installment of Countertech I have tracked down a mod to end all mods.
I’ve admited freely in the past that I am somewhat of a Star Wars nerd, and if you listen to our shows you will also know that computer games are often the cause of late episodes. So, imagine my shock when I found this badboy.
That’s right people, using a 1979 Kenner Millenium Falcon, a original Xbox, and epic amounts of win, the Major Leauge Mods team have finally combined two of our greatest geeky pasions! Not only that, they have given away the instructions for free in a amazingly detailed PDF.
If you need some help, the guys over at Instructables have added additional pics and videos to help you on your way.
Check out some of the pics below, and get modding:

The finished product

Make sure you check out the PDF (linked above), before attempting this at home
Ken Eakins