"Hey Alex, I was thinking when I meet Obama I'll use my serious business face!"
A few years ago Charlie Sheen, Hollywood golden boy and ex-hubby of big-boobed-mentalist Denise Richards, came out of the closet…as a conspiracy theorist (wait, didn’t I write this article already a couple of posts down?) Anyway, Sheen fessed up to being a ‘9/11 truther’ on the right-wing evangelist hub, The Alex Jones Show, shocking the main-stream media, and thrusting Mr Jones into the lime-light giving him the chance to deafen the poor audiences with a two minute rant.
Now, this is ok with me. Charlie Sheen seems like a decent chap, and, although I often disagree with his right-wing-Christian-isolationist-propeganda, Alex Jones is an entertaining career-conspiracy theorist, and often brings up some interesting points about crooked people in positions of power. I don’t even mind the, frankly, gut-churning cheesy rants and crazy faces he pulls on a weekly basis:

The Alex Jones Crazy-Face-2000™: use only when confronting the Illuminati, or fans that dare question your actions online.
Today, however, my patience with Mr Jones, and his blatent self-promoting, profiteering hokem, finally expired. On Sunday, I was told that Jones had a revalation that was so important that ‘”If I disapear, I have made arrangements that this information gets out“. A dramatic statement by any measure. So earlier, I was lurking my usual online haunts, and a friend reminded me of Jones’ claim. I rushed to infowars.com, and was hit with a sudden rush of excitment, had this really happened?:
‘Reported by Charlie Sheen
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.’
What follows is a transcript, written by Sheen, of the discussion with President Obama. Now, regardless of your opinions on the 9/11 truth movement, and conspiracy theory in general, it’s kind of impressive that Sheen managed to get close enough to the most powerful man in the world for more than a handshake. The conversation transcript contains a lot of the usual blow-by-blow evidence we’ve all heard time and time again, but there’s a bigger problem...it’s a total hoax!
You’d be forgiven for not realising this, as there was NO disclaimer on the infowars version of the article, and to top it off, if you did question the validity of it, your comment would be CENSORED by the ‘Jones Web Gestapo’…hmm, now where have I heard some Texan idiot ranting about this kind of behaviour before?
The guys at AboveTopSecret, much to Jones’ detriment I imagine, have the original for all to see here
But what really makes my blood boil here isn’t the fake interview, it’s the advertising! That’s right folks, littered throughout the ‘interview’ and related posts on his sites, Jones has added banner-ads to his upcoming Obama-basher, ‘Fall of the Republic‘.

Whoops, how did that advert get there?
It’s one thing to censor your fans, but to treat them like idiots as well is going too far in my books. This is nothing but a publicity stunt to sell more DVDs and website subscriptions. Shame on you Alex jones, at least some of your brain-washed cult have seen the light:
‘Not Cool
jones just lost a listener. this behavior is extremely shady. three comments have been censored. this interview did not happen. it is a literary device. i don’t know what is up with jones putting this up like it is real. there’s going to be alot of angry prison planet readers in about a half hour. they just made a bunch of fools of us all. thanks alex.’
‘Long-time supporter
The day a fictional story is hyped as the “biggest development in the truth movement” is the day I cancel my membership to Prison Planet (immediately). Goodbye AJ.’
‘Ciaran Says:
What the hell? Not only was this ridiculously disappointing but now most of the people here didn’t bother reading the author’s note, which was conveniently left at the bottom!’

Blah Blah Blah...prisonplanet.com...Blah Blah Blah.
Jones has claimed on todays Alex Jones Show, that he was merely creating his own ‘Psyop-style’ operation to create more awareness of his website and DVDs the 9/11 truth movement, and that we in the ‘alternative media’ are bastards for twigging onto his blatent profiteering ‘jealous of his connections to Charlie Sheen’.
No Alex, we just don’t like seeing people that you have shouted into submission over the last few years, being played like fools; and then watch you act like a little baby by altering both of your sites AFTER THE FACT, censor your fans comments that PAY to hear you bleat through a bloody bull-horn and advertise fear-inducing products like ‘E-Foods’…now take your bull-horn and shove it up your ass!
Ken Eakins
I have dealt with his minions and antics long enough to understand that he is in this for the money. It is infuriating, to put it mildly.
After reading this article earlier today and then getting to the
“Author’s Note: What you have just read didn’t actually happen… yet. ”
I was kind of pissed. It just seems that for someone who’s main soapbox is built on the idea of “clearing the muddy waters” he just gave people some more silt to sift through. The thing is that most of the people who click past the main page on his site already don’t need convincing one way or another. You don’t need to try and trick the people who already agree with you on base points. Aggravating move. This just gives the people who already think he’s crazy and want to discredit him the ammunition to do so. For a self proclaimed beacon of the truth, he is not putting much effort into preserving the integrity of the light he provides.
i stopped listening to him quite a while back. it’s not the first time he’s done these ‘dramatizations’ and then backpedaled when people got pissed that he wasn’t honest. fuck alex jones, he was great to wake people up but nowadays he’s more of a fear monger and spreader of lies than the mainstream most times. sadly it seems like a lot of the truthers have been selling out or going crazy.
Even bad guys put out good information. Regardless of AJ’s reasons he still puts out a lot of good stuff. Just like Bell and Noory and all the rest who make a business out of information.
There is so much info with the advent of the internet I don’t see how anybody could miss all the most obvious signs that they are not conspiracy theories they are quite indeed conspiracy facts and the words of many of our past presidents, scientists, industrialists and the list goes on that back up the fact that they are facts and not theories.
I enjoy reading up on the subculture of conspiracies and the paranormal. I don’t however enjoy Alex Jones or those who associate him with being ‘genuine’.
I hope (in vain I’m sure) that perhaps people will go and garner their own opinions and facts now from more credible, and less self invested, portals.
Thanks for the article. Got here from ATS (who don’t let me post there!)
Really? how come?
You’re welcome here sir
Charlie Sheen ? As in Hot Shots ?
And people were amazed to find out that this was a fake. How or why would Obama make twenty minutes for Charlie Sheen ?
For me, this highlights one of the major flaws with the Infowars / Alex Jones crowd. Most people with half a mind wouldn’t bother to read this because ITS WRITTEN BY CHARLIE SHEEN. Maybe if he wrote an article about his time snorting coke off whores chests with Emilio Estevez I’d read it but this is like listening to Bono talk about famine.
People rely way too much on the opinions of those around them, and also take too much of a black and white stance on issues that are anything but.
My own experience with UK based Infowars people were that they were incredibly immature, angry and more than a bit dim. I judge the movement by the qualities of the people attracted to it, and the people who seem to think that “9/11 was an inside job” also seem to be vaguely anti-Semitic, deliberately ignorant to the facts and more than a little teenage in their attitude. I think back to notable visitors to this site like “Fuck The Estate”.
If you can hunt your own food, make your own medicine, build your own shelter etc then maybe you can sit back and shout about “the system” but if you’re taking advantage of everything it offers, while advocating everyone else to “take the blue pill” then you’re a hypocrite.
We are all complicit in letting the world be run the way it is, through selfish choices.
(I said I wan’t going to spout about this. Damn.)
umm Alex Jones does not equal 911 truth movement. Figures like Steven Jones and David Ray Griffin seem to be much more representative of the sober, rational and intelligent “group” of people who look at the event, look at the official story, and see the oceanic discrepancy between the two. IMHO, bringing the afore-mentioned qualities to bear on the analysis seems to me to lead one to think that an “inside job” is a far more likely a scenario than the official story. Disciples of Alex Jones may come to the same conclusion through a different method, but are, for the most part, a different kettle of fish. Whatever way you see the events of 9-11, I think it’s important to make the distinction between these “sub groups”, rather than painting them with the same brush. After all, I expect that not all acceptors of the official story are right wing, fox news watching fascists, right ?
Charlie Sheen wears a toupee, or a hat, or a cap. He’s never seen without a cover. Evidently, there must be blisters on his scalp, or a rash at least.
My point is, of course, isn’t Charlie Sheen an actor? Wasn’t that Corr guy a singer?
They’re all on drugs; and nothing mind enhancing. It’s cocaine. How else could one write a faux interview with B.O. and not think:
“hmm this article is getting a bit iffy.”
” OH wait I’m charlie Sheen; it’s brilliant.”
I just tried to leave a comment on the Alex Jones board and apparently the comments are “closed” for that discussion…
I actually listened to Alex jones for the first time due to this announcement, several times he stated it was a mock up (i didn’t bother reading it till show finished) at the bottom it said “this never happened… yet”, while i agree that he is a demagogue self publicist, and it was hardly really important, he did say on the show numerous times it was a mock up, he explained numerous times how he and his buddy charlie (pass me the sick bag) wrote it out to be as real to a conversation to get folk interested.
So it seems to me people who listened to the show or read the full article would know it was not a real meeting, and those who didn’t thought it was real or meant to be real, it was harldy a ground-breaking announcement, i guess the disclaimer should have been at the top, but he’s not unique in leaving disclaimers to the end, in his show he was saying people would do pieces like this, all this has highlighted to me is jones an hype man and mreading standard have dropped considerably, i’ve left spelling mistakes in for those who feel compelled to answer and would like an easy option to attack.
Someone didn’t read the article properly did they ‘John’
I clearly stated:
“You’d be forgiven for not realising this, as there was NO disclaimer on the infowars version of the article, and to top it off, if you did question the validity of it, your comment would be CENSORED by the ‘Jones Web Gestapo’”
I then also clearly pointed out:
The guys at AboveTopSecret, much to Jones’ detriment I imagine, have the original for all to see here
I don’t mind spelling mistakes, I just REALLY wish people would READ an article properly before chipping in!
To clarify further, you can read the original, posted as fact, article here – http://www.abovetopsecret.com/Twenty_Minutes_with_the_President.html
I used to listen to Jones on his Sunday show on the way to a weekly gig. There is an underlying theme with Jones and that is hawking his goods. I have to admit that the production quality of his “films” has improved over the years.
The thing that REALLY irks me about Alex is that he will announce something like, “We broke this story world wide.” and then proceeds to use other media to support whatever the claim is. Alex has never done any ORIGINAL investigative work. He just repeats the crap he finds on the web or in the media and claims it as his own.
But I have to admit he is dead on right about some things. The world really DID come to a screeching halt/end during the Y2K catastrophe. I called in to ask Alex if he would give me the address of one FEMA detainment camp so I could drive over and take a look. He claims they are all over the country but can’t tell me where one of them is.
Another flea-bagging scare monger trying to make a living.
-Greg Forest
“ken” nice straw man
““You’d be forgiven for not realising this, as there was NO disclaimer on the infowars version of the article, and to top it off, if you did question the validity of it, your comment would be CENSORED by the ‘Jones Web Gestapo’””
I never made any mention of sites getting censored etc, so why bring it up, please stick to what i said, I just REALLY wish people would READ an article properly before chipping in!
I can’t believe i’m defending jones the demagogue or sheen, but lets be honest don’t try and make out this is anything other than intellectual bereft when in this piece you have to have 2 ad hominem attacks on the participants,
“The Alex Jones Crazy-Face-2000™”
“and ex-hubby of big-boobed-mentalist Denise Richards”
Who cares what he looks like or what someone ex with is, you apparently.
My poiny was having listened to Jones for the first time, i never once had the impression it was anything other than what it was, yet we have folk bleating and whining about it, i never mentioed gestapo or otherwise, you have pulled it out of thin air then quote it back to me as a counter, as i say intellectually bereft, i’d stumbled across this quaint little site during a websearch, i think i’ll take my leave as i am unprepared to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Yours lovingly “john”
P.s. i agree with your views on alex Jones i think he is a demagogue, a self publicist and seeks to enrich himself from his show and DVD’s. His programme for me (i’m Scottish) runs like a huge advertisement but then so do most American shows i see, with product placements endemic it would seem.
So anyway, i’ll leave mother hen to guard her eggs i wont go near them again, i promise, have a good one and chill out.
argh!!! Ken (that’s Eakins, he’s the webmaster here), I apologise but I have to step in here.
He was sending quotes back at you because you’re so self-absorbed that you missed the point he was trying to make!
If you READ THE ARTICLE you will see that Alex Jones had NO DISCLAIMER on the ORIGINAL post he made, and that Above Top Secret had kept a cache version of it to make a point.
I find it annoying when wannabe-intellectuals come to this site, and then show off their skills (you’re right, your semantics are appalling). He didn’t pull anything out of thin-air, he was pointing out the parts your massive brain must have missed.
As for Mother-Hen guarding her eggs, and this being a quaint site. You’re an appalling judge apparantly; as for the boobs and so forth, he was being amusing.
Now please go away you annoying troll, and take some time back in your local educational establishment; not to learn to write (though that may help), but to learn to READ BEFORE OPENING YOUR MOUTH!
*pant* *pant*
Sorry Ken, I love this site (as do MANY others) and I hate it when some prick comes along and engages in pseudo-sensible debate, only to make him/herself look good (but in the process shows what an idiot they are).
rant over
I’ve been reading a few of the blogs and forum posts such as the AboveTopSecret site, the James Randi site and so on but not on Jones’ site.
I have not listened to his show; but I’m wondering if anyone has rung him up on his show to take him to task?
Has there been anyone calling in with the issues that the blog-o-sphere have been raising?
I find it odd that he complains of psyo-ops, government cover-ups and then “admitting to x/y”, but when he is asked he gets all angry.
The questions raised by this and other blogs are, it seems:
1. Was this a psyo-op by Jones himself?
2. Was this a publicity stunt by Jones to drive traffic to the site, and is he apologetic about this?
3. If this was a stunt, or a hoax; is Jones believe it was worth it, despite the negative publicity? And further, does Jones believe the ends justifies the means?
4. How many prison planet premium members have left post this fiasco?
5. Jones is blaming the software, but why was the final message about it being a ‘made up story’ not posted above the article that Sheen wrote?
6. Some have questioned Jones’ motives and modius operandi in this fiasco; I’d like to know what Jones’ thoughts are about the various issues that they’ve raised and how does he counter their arguments?
I don’t think I complied all the questions; but I’m really interested in AboveTopSecret or others have put together a question list and put Jones to task?
Thanks Nickronomicon, you saved me some time and effort there.
John, just so you know, people wont be fooled by the “oh attack my spelling if you will but my principles are unassailable” schtick, because the internets been round a while and we’ve seen you before.
Alex is a crook. $$$$
Ok, I’m confused. I’m not easily convinced by any media source. I have watched A.J. a few times, and I was never sure what to believe where he is concerned. I see, according to the posted responses, that there is somewhat of an oppositional fervor concerning Mr. Jones’s reporting tactics. That being said, all I want to really know is this: does the Illuminati exist, the Bildrburgs, the Trilateral commission, the political connection to the Masons?
I’m back again, I could only post so much. I see the questions have been posted late 2009. I sincerely hope this is still in operation. Please answer the above questions. I’ll do my own research; I just want clarification on the issues question I posted above, Thank you, Angela.
You will be lucky to get any objective answers on any of these issues, but in answer to your questions :
1: Don’t know
2: The Bilderburg group does exist but is either a) the illuminati b)a bunch of silly rich guys (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7363141496991001225#)
3:Don’t know
4:Don’t know
does the Illuminati exist?
I don’t think so, not anymore.
the Bildrburgs?
yeah they exist.
the Trilateral commission
yep (Wikipedia has all this stuff so far).
The political connection to the Masons?
We’re about to do a show about the Masons, I’ll let you know.
Seriously though, sure, some Masons are in power, but why shouldn’t they be?
Charlie Sheen is Awesome! I mean come on! 1 million twitter followers in 24 hours!
I don’t believe myself to be an addict. I really don’t. I think that I just ignore or smash or finally dismiss a model that I think is rooted in vintage balderdash, you know? For lack of a better word.