So as I mentioned, I have been listening to a lot of internet radio recently. Now it may seem counter intuitive to recommend other places to listen to music shows, when we ourselves make a passable podcast here. However, it makes more sense when you realise that this show is much, much better than ours. I have been a music snob for years and I thought I had pretty much blundered through most of the places that needed visiting. In fact, I was starting to get a bit complacent. Then the other day I listened to two hours of mostly experimental electronica as chosen by Paul Ackroyd (otherwise known as Kamikaze) over on Samurai FM.

Quite apart from the fact that it is a beautiful site, and you can listen to everything for free, I was just in awe of the sheer audacity of some of the tracks he played. Excerpts from an hour long tune that sounds like fifteen broken radios playing in one room. A single tone, pitched up and down and layered against others to create a weird disorientating oscillation effect (Raveslime) and Bernard Parmigiani. I had never heard of the man but he is an absolute genius, composing terrifying minimal / concrete works in the 60’s and 70’s that still sound like the future.As soon as I finished listening, I ditched all the shitty podcasts I was wasting my time on to clear my schedule so I can catch up on this fantastic show from the first edition. I highly recommend you do the same. Oh but keep listening to me and Ken though. Please.



Kim Monaghan