A Gliding Frog
350+ new species have been discovered in the Himalayas!
Villagers in Nepal flock to worship newly born malformed infant as Hindu god.
Quick way to riches: photograph the Israeli mermaid!
Home sellers seek help from St. Joseph.
Newscientist.com writes on why humans can talk and chimps can’t!
Ethics of moose chasers are put into question.
A cyclist carried an alligator on his back until apprehended.
Taxidermy squirrels! Beautiful!
Missing condiments inspire a woman to attempt to run over a KFC employee.
Manson “family” apparently haunted years later.
Man arrested for making over a hundred prank 911 calls.
Mouse builds nest from $20 bills in ATM.
The Nurse of the Year, was not really a nurse after all!
Obese inmate hides a gun within flabs of flesh!
A roundup of weird holidays from around the world.
Men struck in the shoulder by a piece of an airplane.
Parents have public brawl about which gang their toddler should join.
Man fined for hypnotizing his date.
“Stereotypes persist even where immigrants don’t.”
Apparently, an IQ test proves dogs are as smart as toddlers.
Read all about Afghanistan’s biggest blogger!
Tutorial in case you need to know how to write an EPIC Amazon review thread.
And, a mathematical model for surviving a zombie attack!
How about a mathematical model to help you choose a wife?
Woman lights herself on fire in a mall!
An elephant named “Five” plays the harmonica.
Man to spend 21 days in jail for shooting out a cat with bow & arrow.
Tallest dog in the world dies!
Frank, the childless man, no longer has to pay child support.
Angry woman throws empty cup at the Mona Lisa!
Groping Minnie Mouse is just not accpetable, ok?
Claire Lumiere
The epic Amazon thread thing is great but sadly it looks like Amazon have killed it dead by insisting you have to buy something from them before you can review shit. That sucks but it does give me an excuse to buy the milk carton hat thing that is simply the coolest fucking thing ever. If I get that I am going to wear it till it biologically fuses to my head. I also liked the mathemtical model for zombie attack article. I am going to start referring to myself as a “susceptible”. While wearing my milk hat. Oh yes.
Oh the article pn Gaga is really good too, in a kind of lunatic way.
Late response! Just got back in town. Yeah- interesting wacky stuff, some of it!
Mang, that sucks. I think the milk hat is worth it.