This week we delve into the Eldritch world of HP Lovecraft and try and decode hidden magickal lessons. Mario Garza from Symbolic Studies from joins me to grill ‘Polaria’ author WH Müller on his book ‘Polaria’.
This week we discuss: Did Lovecraft encode a secret magickal lesson into each of his stories, what is ‘The Mystic Polar Tradition’, Why was the Polar tradition hidden, and much more.
Check out Mario’s site here, and his YouTube channel here
Main theme by Simon Smerdon (Mothboy)
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Good luck finding this book for less than £1500, check it on Amazon here
WH Müller Bio:
Born in 1964, I gained access to Kabbalah and various occult doctrines related to it through my interest in the American author HP Lovecraft. My first book was published in 1992 bearing the title “Lovecraft – Treasurer of the Forbidden”. In 1994 I published the first occult exegesis and translation of the Babylonian Epic of Creation in “Primordial Light” which was substantially enlarged in its second edition “Fiat Nox” in 1994. In the 1990s I was also a patron member of the British Museum Society. Besides, I always worked as a translator and was for example responsible for the first Nicholas-Roerich-biography by Jacqueline Decter. Further translations in the 1990s included works by WB Yeats and EA Wallis Budge. In 1996 I authored “Polaria – The Gift of the White Stone” on Lovecraft and Western Occultism which was published in the US. In 2001 I founded my own publishing company with two books on esoteric Traditionalism (Guénon) and related subjects of Alchemy as well as the first German translations of some of Suhrawardi’s most eminent Sufi writings. After having positively identified Einstein’s famous equation of Special Relativity in Kabbalah, I published “NecroYoga” in 2011 containing the Kabbalistic “threshold-equation” later termed “Moshe-Formula”, and partly based on a so-called “Babylon-Workout” on Kabbalah, Special Relativity and Black Hole ‘Physics which had appeared previously in Germany. My most recent translations include Nevill Drury’s biography on the life and work of the Australian artist and occultist Rosaleen Norton and Stephen Flower’s “Lords of the Left-Hand Path”. “Antarktos: Understanding the Age of Rebellion” in which I write comprehensively on the “real” secrets of Antarctica in connection with the ongoing conflict of the Old Ones vs. the Elder Ones, E.A. Poe’s secret messages in “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym” and further revelations from Lovecraft’s occult heritage, is due for publication soon.